Category Archives: Breaking News

Criminal Activity in OUR Community

FingerprintLast Tuesday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm a house on Crestmont Dr was broken into.  Thieves entered the home through a basement window.  The entire house was gone through, and many personal items along with alcohol were taken.  No serious property damage was suffered, however the homeowners feel very violated.  Police were called, but it would seem the thieves wore gloves, so no finger prints were lifted.  Foot prints in the snow were matched to some in the house.  Unfortunately the victims of this crime did not have an alarm system.
As a further note, there has been a lot of activity at the top of Crestridge Terrace, a dead end street facing Artist View,  police are called whenever cars are seen parked at the end of that street. In the past there has been a sexual assault on a young girl at that location and many drug transactions have also taken place up there.  People loiter there, drink and do drugs in that location.    Police have also wakened individuals who have been parked there overnight, as they did  not have sufficient funds to get a hotel room.  Garbage is  regularly dumped there and people have been seen defecating there in broad daylight.  Not far from this location a vehicle was stolen.  Many car prowlings have also been reported.
Residents are asked to be aware of suspicious individuals in the community and report any suspicious activity or individuals IMMEDIATELY  to the police.   Get a description of the person, or vehicle, take a license number and make,  model and colour if you can.
All  Crestmont residents are urged to be on alert to keep our community safe for everybody.

CCA Annual General Meeting

volunteer_handsHere we grow again! The time has come again for the Annual General Meeting(AGM) of the Crestmont Community Association.  All the board positions are open your community needs your support and a few volunteer hours a month will make all the difference, if you are interested in volunteering to get involved in your community, please email us at and come and check out what we have to say.

Mark your calendar for the meeting at the Crestmont Resident’s Hall on Sunday April 13th from 2pm – 4:30pm.  All Crestmont Community Association members in good standing will be able to vote in the election of the new board for 2014/2015.  Memberships (25$ per year) Please register at or simply visit for more information.

We will review Board Accomplishments/Goals, Development Updates, Vote on a few changes to the CCA Bylaws. Please note those interested in running for board positions are to have a membership for 30 days. All positions are a one year term.

Jason Simms

CCA President


Area Development Open House – Hosted by VRCA

The VRCA is hosting an Area Development Open House at the Wedding Chapel just east of Crestmont.

They invite all interested Valley Ridge & Crestmont Residents to attend.  The goal is to present all the latest information on the area development plans around Crestmont & Valley Ridge to help residents understand the impact of these developments and get their feedback and understand their concerns.  The development committees of the Crestmont Community Association and the Valley Ridge Community Association have been hard at work gathering and understanding this information.  There is a lot of development planned over the next 5 – 10 years that you need to be aware of, including some significant changes to roads and access to our communities that may concern you.

VRCA Information Session

•             Date: Tuesday January 14, 2014

•          Location: Wedding Chapel

•          Presentation at 7:00 pm (sharp)

•          Doors Open at 6:30 pm


Please see the new Development Committee’s page for downloads from this event.


Notice to Community Members

Dear community members:

WinSport would like to thank you for your continued support in the creation of the World’s Leading Winter Sports Institute.

From time to time, major events are held at Canada Olympic Park that may or may not affect members of the surrounding community. WinSport would like to increase our communication with the community and provide regular updates when these events take place.

A major event is upcoming in less than two weeks, with the details provided below.

World Cup Freestyle:
Description: The world’s best mogul and halfpipe skiers will be competing at WinSport’s Canada Olympic Park on January 3rd and 4th – and as one of the final qualifying events for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, the competition will be more intense and exciting than ever. More than 130 athletes from 20 countries are expected to attend and Canada has some of the best medal prospects of all.
– Dec. 31 to Jan. 2 (training)
– Jan. 3: 10:30 a.m. – training; noon to 2 p.m. – halfpipe finals
– Jan. 4: 8:30 a.m. – training; 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. – finals and awards

Potential disruption: Increased traffic near the park in what is typically a busy time of year. Competition is relegated to the halfpipe (west side of park) and the moguls course on east side of park. The East service road will be used to access venue, where parking is limited to VIPs and organizers.
A DJ, along with public address announcer will be used throughout the event. Noise will continued to be monitored. Attached is a copy of the noise exemption permit from the City of Calgary.

WinSport truly appreciates your support and would invite all neighbours to take in the action and watch some of the world’s top athletes take part in a preview to the Sochi Olympics.

Should you have any questions, please contact Dale Oviatt, director of communications, at


Dale Oviatt
Director, Communications
P: 403-247-5601
C: 403-461-9074
88 Canada Olympic Road S.W.
Calgary, AB  T3B 5R5

Are you handy with a hammer?

RepairsThe Crestmont Community Association and the Crestmont Homeowner’s Association are looking for a team of handy people in our community to help re-build our hockey rink beside the Crestmont Hall.  The Homeowner’s Association has organized a company with a water truck to lay down the temporarily liquid water in the appropriate layers as well as a special liner that is required to sit between the grass and the future ice.  We also have a father & son team in the community that is excited and willing to help out with clearing the snow and maintaining the ice.

Until we can flood the rink and have a team to shovel and maintain the ice, we need to repair the boards.  If you are handy with a hammer and can help out, please contact the board and let us know.  The boards have been sitting beside the hall for years and have been totally neglected.  We now have the opportunity to turn things around and have another great facility for the members of this community.


West Calgary Trans-Canada Corridor: How this Development Affects Us

bulldozerHello friends,

Hope you have had a good summer.

We want to bring to your attention again to some significant developments that will be happening in our area in the next few years. The Calgary Planning Commission will be making the decision to approve 3 proposals for developing new housing, commercial buildings, and offices in the area west of COP. A few members of the board as well as some residents of our community will be going to City Hall on the appropriate day to voice our concerns and comments regarding those developments. This meeting have been postponed a few times, and we will let you know once we have a date from the City.


We want to make sure that our community’s views are represented well. Please provide your valuable input by:

1. [By Monday, October 14] Taking this survey to give us your opinion on some of the issues that we have identified as important, as well as other issues that you want to raise. (5-10 minutes)

2. [As Soon As Possible] Taking this official City of Calgary  survey about the West Calgary Trans-Canada Corridor (5-10 minutes)

3.  Signing up for our newsletter to be kept updated on new information regarding the developments and other community issues

4. Becoming a member and supporting us in our efforts to represent your voice.


If you have any questions please contact us at


Thank you,

Your Community Association


Related Links:

For an illustration and map of one of the proposals:

For a brief summary of the proposed developments and the process:

For more details on these proposals:

Don’t worry, you don’t have to read all of these to take the surveys (they don’t require detailed knowledge)! Just give us your honest opinion.

Items Still Needed for Flood Victims

Flooded_HouseThe following items are still in need for helping the Calgary Flood Victims…

  1. Baking Soda
  2. Bandaids
  3. Buckets
  4. Containers w/ Lids
  5. Crowbars
  6. Dryer Sheets
  7. Electrical Cords
  8. Flashlights
  9. Garbage Bags
  10. Garbage Bins
  11. Hammers
  12. Laundry Soap
  13. Rags
  14. Rakes
  15. Rubber Boots
  16. Shovels
  17. Scrub Brushes
  18. Spray Bottles
  19. Squeegees
  20. Vinegar

The Crestmont Hall will be a drop-off location for these items today (Wednesday June 26th).

Thank you so much to all the volunteers that helped out on Tuesday to put together 2000 bag lunches.  The makings for these lunches were generously donated by SYSCO Food Services Calgary.


CCA and VRCA help for flood victims

Do you want to help our Flood Victims?

Crestmont CA and the VRCA are coming together to help our City where we can.  The Crestmont Community Association has secured the Crestmont Community hall from 10am-6pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week.  They intend to use the facility as an item-drop off location, and on Tuesday, as a sandwich-making location.

If you would like to assist with sandwich making on Tuesday morning starting at 9:00am, please show up at the Crestmont Hall and all food is being generously supplied by Sysco Food Services Calgary.

↓↓↓ To help out click the link below  ↓↓↓
I Want to Help CCA & VRCA Help the YYC Flood Victims

There are 5 main ways our Community Associations can work together to help our City recover from this disaster.

1.     Help those less fortunate:

We have been informed that the Calgary Drop-In Center, the YWCA, and several other agencies are in dire need of a few key items:

A)     Razors, Brushes, Combs, Contact Solution

B)      Toothbrushes and toothpaste

C)      Feminine hygiene products

D)     Socks and underwear for boys, girls, men & women

E)      Diapers, Wipes, Baby Formula, Baby Food, Receiving Blankets

F)      Shampoo, lotion, conditioner, deodorant

G)     Hand-sanitizers, cleaning supplies, mops, brooms, garbage bags, cleaning gloves

H)     Boxes, duct tape and packing tape

I)        Plungers, flashlights, batteries

J)       Work gloves, work boots, rubber boots

K)      Backpacks, paper (lined and plain), markers, pens

L)       Water bottles, blankets


2.     Thank our EMS personnel:

Gifts cards to:

A)     Tim Hortons

B)      Safeway

C)      Prepaid Phone and Credit Cards for Communal Use

D)     Any other Gift cards (food is great…Subway, etc.)


3.     A Food Drive:

A)     The Calgary Drop-In Center and Calgary Food Bank will accept non-perishable food items, so if you have canned or non-perishable goods, please consider donating them.

B)      On Tuesday, assuming there is still a need, a sandwich-making day for the Calgary Drop-In Center will occur at the Crestmont Community Hall.  Please consider bringing bread, sandwich meats, etc. and help us make some sandwiches!


4.     Physical Help:

There will be a number of Bowness seniors and disabled who will have difficulty cleaning out their homes and basements in the coming days.  They may require dump runs, etc.


If you are willing to offer your help in assisting them, we are willing to buddy you up with a fellow VR or Crestmont resident and find Bowness residents who need you!  Please email to add your name to the list, and we will email you when a request is received.


5.     Monetary Donations:

There are many amazing organizations collecting monetary donations.  Here is a list of a few of them.  Please donate directly to these organizations, as neither the VRCA nor the CCA will accept cash donations.

A)     AARCS.  This amazing organization rescues hundreds of dogs and cats each year, and has been particularly active in the flooded First Nations reserve of Siksika.  (They can also use donated pet supplies.)

B)      Canadian Red Cross.  You can Text 30333 to automatically donate $5 to flood relief.

C)      Volunteer Calgary has a comprehensive list of additional sites accepting donations of money or items.


We hope your family and friends are safe, and are thankful that our Communities were relatively unaffected.

Jason Simms

Crestmont CA President



New Discussion Forums

discussionsWhat’s that over on the right?  It’s a link to our new Discussion Forums.  Please sign up and join for free!  The forums are moderated and accounts must be authorized.  Our goal is to provide a community forum so that we can all share our thoughts, comments & concerns for our amazing community.  The forums help to facilitate communication with your Crestmont friends and neighbors and the Crestmont Community Association board of directors.

Right now we are looking for your input on a few things… should the entire forum system be restricted to ONLY Crestmont homeowners?…  or perhaps we just make one or more of the forums in the system accessible to homeowners only?  We have set up a few initial forums for you to use but we are happy to add more if there is enough interest.  Looking for your feedback so please join in on the conversation.  The more of Crestmont that gets on the forums, the more valuable they will be.