Category Archives: Breaking News

What to Expect when you’re Expecting…

new-housingHello Crestmont community, we are expecting more neighbors as the Crestmont West development plans continues along its way.  What does this mean for you?

Nothing right now, it will be likely 2018 before we see the first houses in West Crestmont, although much work can occur before this time.   Completion of this development is expected 3-5 years after commencement.

On October 18th during Qualico’s town hall meeting we learned the planned community garden will not be ready until 2018 so we are investigating other community garden opportunities.  Also, in the plan are tobogganing hills in the park area.  Do you and your family want toboggan hills?  The plans use to have water fountains in this large park area.  Please let us know your feedback, share with us your comments on Facebook or send us an email.  It’s very important we hear from you because we have the opportunity to influence these plans to get what we want.

There are currently 473 homes in Crestmont as per the 2014 census.  The new development will add 517 new homes.  Even with Crestmont’s future planned expansion, we will continue to be a unique community holding one of the smallest community populations. Crestmont community’s current population is only around 1,379.

Stay tuned for more. The Calgary West ASP will anticipate going to Calgary Planning Commission in November, likely the 20th and a Council public hearing in January 2015.

Want to find out more about development? Join us on November 20th at 8pm at the hall, for our next CCA meeting. Your vote counts!

Amy Hen
CCA President

Crime Alert

The Crestmont Hall was vandalized on October 17th likely sometime after 11:30pm.  This activity has been reported to the police.  There was significant damage done. The concrete garbage bin was thrown off the side of parking lot near the rink.  There were several large concrete blocks broken all over in the parking lot causing a serious safety risk.  I myself almost crashed into them in the parking lot this afternoon at 1:30pm.  Also a concrete sewer grate was stolen and a garbage bin had to be stuffed in there for now. Please take caution in the parking lot!

We need to be on the watch for any suspicious behavior and please report it by calling the non-emergency line at 403-266-1234.

The last reported crime that we are aware of happened on October 9th, where a laptop and sunglasses were taken from a car.  This activity was reported. Thank you to the neighbor who informed us of this!

We need to report these crimes, so that the police can identify patterns and better direct patrols.

Please pass this info along and let’s put a stop to the crime in our neighborhood!

Remember in emergencies or crimes in progress CALL 9-1-1

If your vehicle has been broken into and property has been stolen please report this using the police online system:

Snowfall Tree Debris Management

Fallen Tree Branches from Heavy SnowSnowfall Tree Debris Management

Recent snowfall has caused damage to many trees throughout the city, leaving tree debris on both private property and City property.

All three City landfills – Spyhill, Shepard and East Calgary – are accepting tree debris from the snowstorm at no charge until further notice. Customers arriving at the scalehouse should identify that they are bringing tree debris and must not mix the debris with any other waste material for it to be accepted free of charge.

Alternatively, tree debris can be cut into 4-foot pieces in length and stacked beside waste and recycling carts to be picked up with regular collection or at a later date, depending on our resources.

To help keep regular garbage and recycling pickup on schedule, and to avoid damaging City equipment, we ask that Calgarians do not put tree debris in their blue, black or green carts.

Calgarians may notice a disruption with City services such as power outages in City facilities and delayed garbage and recycling collection due to tree debris blocking back lanes. We thank Calgarians for their patience as City crews work to manage all effects of the recent snowfall.

Please be safe as many drooping tree limbs still pose a safety threat. We continue to work on a debris management plan and will communicate with Calgarians later today how we will be proceeding. At this time, we are still focused on emergency response to fallen tree debris on roads and impacts from power outages throughout the city. Safety is our current priority.

See more at:

Additional Information

The City of Calgary continues to respond to restore City infrastructure and facilities and crews are working around the clock to get things back to normal. Please visit the one-stop page of ongoing updates here , (which is also available from a yellow banner on ).

Other updates are available including:

  •  Calgary City News Blog
  •  the City’s Facebook
  •  and Twitter pages


Crestmont Community Call to Action

This Monday, Calgary City Council will vote on an issue that will cause major changes to our
community. They will vote on building a new retail center larger than Market Mall right at the
bottom of the hill where the current interchange is.

This development will force all traffic (residential, commercial, retail) into one single intersection.

The result will be longer commute times and jeopardize emergency access to and from our

View a map of the proposed development.


For more information you can view the eMail we sent out to the community newsletter list.

Sign up to be included in future e-mailings.

Please Join Us!

jump_slapHello Crestmont Neighbors!
Please come to the CCA meeting next Thursday August 21st at 8pm at the Crestmont Hall. We need your help…

  • We are trying to form a crime watch committee and looking for leaders
  • We have our 2nd annual Kids Day event coming on Sunday September 7th and need volunteers for the event
  • We are looking for a Vice President for the CCA
  • Other CCA Director positions are open
  • We have development updates you should be aware of
  • We will be voting on upcoming events, new committees, and new Directors

Come on out next Thursday and show your support to the Crestmont community, we need your help.


Amy Hen

CCA – Crestmont Community Association

Community Crime Alert

Here is a message from a local resident on August 5th, 2014…

10:15 am today I saw the same guy who has been going through our recycling bins and weaving in between homes in our community. 

This time he was working with another man. They would load up their large green bag and other garbage bags and empty them in their red car.
Once again I reported this to the police and they said they would send someone out.
What was interesting is that another man (blond hair) in a FJ Cruiser with custom BC license plate approached one of the men and had a conversation with him. The FJ Cruiser was also driving around our neighborhood but then parked on Cresthaven Rise and Cresthaven Way.
Not sure if these guys are linked in any way or why the driver of the cruiser would stop to speak to one of these characters but please keep your eyes out and report anything even if remotely suspicious.

Suspect? Suspect?

Please stay sharp and report any suspicious activity to the police immediately, it does not matter if you think it is important or not.

Update:  Apparently the guy from BC is going door to door with a clipboard and a backpack.  If anyone has any information please let us know… are you on the WhatsApp community network?



CBE Consultant Presentation on Modernizations

Credit: The Calgary Herald

Image Credit: The Calgary Herald

The Calgary Board of Education will be hosting a consultant presentation on designs for the modernization projects at Bowness and Jack James high schools and the construction of Evergreen Middle School and the Christine Meikle replacement school. The presentations will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 6 from 6-7 p.m. at the Education Centre at 1221 8 St. S.W.

Free underground parking is available off 12 Avenue S.W. during the event.

For residents who are unable to attend, CBE will be keeping the public informed and always welcome input on this important project on their website at

The CBE will also be holding another similar open house on the evening of Sept. 17.


A message from Calgary Police

There has been an increase in break and enters in the Crestmont area over the past couple of months.  There was another break and enter today Friday May 30th.

As a result of the break and enters I have a directed patrol in Crestmont which basically means increased police patrols, so I hope you are seeing more police vehicle patrolling the area.

Please pass onto others in the Community, to be vigilant, report suspicious vehicles and persons to the police.  Ensure Doors and windows are  secured and alarm systems are utilized if you have them when you leave you home.

Lock vehicles left on the driveway and remove garage door openers from them – this is a common method of entry.

Doors and locks:

  • Outside doors and frames should be made of solid wood or steel, which are harder to force open than hollow-core doors. Frames should fit snugly (within ¼ inch) against the door.
  • Secure all outside doors with deadbolt locks.
  • Ensure the lock’s throw (or bolt) extends at least one inch past the edge of the door when locked.
  • The strike plate is the flat metal piece on the door frame that receives the lock’s throw, or bolt. Attach a six- or eight-inch strike plate with screws long enough (about three inches) to pass through the door frame and into the wall stud.

When home during the day, report the following to the Calgary Police Service at 403 266-1234:

  • Vehicles moving slowly and randomly through the neighbourhood.
  • A stranger running or walking randomly through the neighbourhood.
  • A stranger looking into homes or parked cars.

What to do about prowlers or break-ins:

  • If you see a prowler outside your home, call the police at once at 9-1-1.
  • If someone enters your house while you’re there, call 9-1-1.
  • If you arrive home to find someone has broken in, call the police at 266-1234 from another location before entering the house. If you believe someone is still inside, call 9-1-1.

For more information about crime prevention, visit the Calgary Police Service Web site

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Constable Dylan Harris #4411
Community Resource Officer
District 2 Zone 4
Calgary Police Service

Crestmont Community Watch Program

Crime Free Zone

Crestmont Residents have put together a community watch program and YOU CAN HELP!  Make sure that you report EVERYTHING suspicious you see to the police even if you are not sure.  If you see people in the area that are wandering around ask them who they are and why they are here.  Don’t think that just because there is construction going on that you should expect to see strange people in the area.  DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE AND REPORT EVERYTHING!  Don’t sit back and do nothing and wait for YOUR place to be broken into or worse!


If you are interested in becoming part of the COMMUNITY WATCH program the please let us know.


Another Break-in

Further to our previous post, a Crestmont resident notified us of another similar break-in.

On Friday March 28th between 8-5pm a house on Crestbrook pl was broken into by access through a side basement window. This is a separate break in incident from the earlier post. Several people were home in the adjacent properties and these criminals were still able to enter for a length of time going through the home.

Please watch for unfamiliar vehicles and people in the neighbourhood and contact the police. One set of tracks were found leading directly to the window.

If  you saw anything at all, no matter how insignificant it might seem, please contact the police.