Tag Archives: City Of Calgary

Pet licensing brings pets home and helps to fund some shelter programs

Pet licensing brings pets home and helps to fund some shelter programs

 Pet licenses are more than just a tag around pet’s neck, they are their ticket home if they are lost. Fees collected from licenses help many of the other animals who come into the shelter. Every week Animal Services takes in an average of 70 stray pets and 17 of those are returned to their owners the same day through the drive home program. In fact because of pet licensing, Calgary has the highest return to owner and lowest euthanization rates in North America. Beyond reuniting pets with their owners, licences help to fund emergency vet care for stray dogs and cats, no cost spay/neuter programs for eligible Calgarians and so much more. Visit Calgary.ca to learn more about how licensing can benefit you and your fur family.

Communications, Animal & Bylaw Services


East Paskapoo Slopes: information sessions

The City of Calgary Planning, Development & AssessmentThe City of Calgary has completed its review of the proposed development for the eastern Paskapoo Slopes.

These information sessions are an opportunity for the public to view the proposal that Calgary Planning Commission (CPC) is recommending to Council and find out more information about the July 20, 2015 Public Hearing of Council.

Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Location: Irish Cultural Society in Bowness,
6452 35 Ave N.W.
Time: Drop by any time between 6 to 8:30 p.m.

Date: Monday, June 29, 2015
Location: Calgary French and International School,
700 77 St. S.W.
Time: Drop by any time between 6 to 8:30 p.m.

On June 4, CPC approved the Outline Plan (with conditions) and is recommending that City Council approve the Land Use Amendment and Policy Amendment, once the terms of a special development agreement between the applicant and The City can be reached.

Further application details are available at calgary.ca/eastpaskapoo.

Public Hearing of Council details are available on the project’s public engagement page and in this brochure from City Clerk’s.

Annual Spring Clean-up Event

Crestmont Fountain by Aduro Photography

Photo by Aduro Photography

On June 14 2015 we are having our community yearly clean up.

We will be having two city garbage trucks and one organic truck along with metal and clothing recycling. The trucks will be in our parking lot at 12400 Crestmont Boulevard SW, Calgary, AB T3B 5W5 from 9:00am to 1:00pm.

We will also have hot dogs, Spolumbos, pop and coffee for all who help out cleaning up Crestmont. A very cool prize for the most garbage collected and a prize for the strangest item brought in will be awarded.


Snowfall Tree Debris Management

Fallen Tree Branches from Heavy SnowSnowfall Tree Debris Management

Recent snowfall has caused damage to many trees throughout the city, leaving tree debris on both private property and City property.

All three City landfills – Spyhill, Shepard and East Calgary – are accepting tree debris from the snowstorm at no charge until further notice. Customers arriving at the scalehouse should identify that they are bringing tree debris and must not mix the debris with any other waste material for it to be accepted free of charge.

Alternatively, tree debris can be cut into 4-foot pieces in length and stacked beside waste and recycling carts to be picked up with regular collection or at a later date, depending on our resources.

To help keep regular garbage and recycling pickup on schedule, and to avoid damaging City equipment, we ask that Calgarians do not put tree debris in their blue, black or green carts.

Calgarians may notice a disruption with City services such as power outages in City facilities and delayed garbage and recycling collection due to tree debris blocking back lanes. We thank Calgarians for their patience as City crews work to manage all effects of the recent snowfall.

Please be safe as many drooping tree limbs still pose a safety threat. We continue to work on a debris management plan and will communicate with Calgarians later today how we will be proceeding. At this time, we are still focused on emergency response to fallen tree debris on roads and impacts from power outages throughout the city. Safety is our current priority.

See more at: http://www.calgarycitynews.com/#sthash.SYUB20dR.dpuf

Additional Information

The City of Calgary continues to respond to restore City infrastructure and facilities and crews are working around the clock to get things back to normal. Please visit the one-stop page of ongoing updates here , (which is also available from a yellow banner on calgary.ca ).

Other updates are available including:

  •  Calgary City News Blog
  •  the City’s Facebook
  •  and Twitter pages


West Calgary Trans-Canada Corridor: How this Development Affects Us

bulldozerHello friends,

Hope you have had a good summer.

We want to bring to your attention again to some significant developments that will be happening in our area in the next few years. The Calgary Planning Commission will be making the decision to approve 3 proposals for developing new housing, commercial buildings, and offices in the area west of COP. A few members of the board as well as some residents of our community will be going to City Hall on the appropriate day to voice our concerns and comments regarding those developments. This meeting have been postponed a few times, and we will let you know once we have a date from the City.


We want to make sure that our community’s views are represented well. Please provide your valuable input by:

1. [By Monday, October 14] Taking this survey to give us your opinion on some of the issues that we have identified as important, as well as other issues that you want to raise. (5-10 minutes)


2. [As Soon As Possible] Taking this official City of Calgary  survey about the West Calgary Trans-Canada Corridor (5-10 minutes)


3.  Signing up for our newsletter to be kept updated on new information regarding the developments and other community issues

4. Becoming a member and supporting us in our efforts to represent your voice.


If you have any questions please contact us at dev_committee@crestmontcommunity.org


Thank you,

Your Community Association


Related Links:

For an illustration and map of one of the proposals:


For a brief summary of the proposed developments and the process:


For more details on these proposals:


Don’t worry, you don’t have to read all of these to take the surveys (they don’t require detailed knowledge)! Just give us your honest opinion.

Bart Benoit makes burgers and hot dogs

Community Clean-up a Success

Well it all came together for a successful second annual community clean-up event. Special thanks to the City of Calgary, Calgary Parks & Recreation and Techno Trash for providing their trucks, people, services and supplies. Also, thanks to the Crestmont Community Association board members for volunteering their time and resources to make this happen.

We are already planning the next event so please stay tuned to our website and be sure to sign up for our e-Newsletter so we can keep you informed.

Trixtan making balloon creatures

Photo by Celina Del Degan

Trixtan making balloon creatures

Photo by Celina Del Degan

sleeping toddler

Photo by Celina Del Degan

Trixtan makes a little mermaid balloon sculpture

Photo by Celina Del Degan

Folks from the community enjoying the event

Photo by Celina Del Degan

Trixtan making balloon creatures

Photo by Celina Del Degan

Workers having fun on the job

Photo by Celina Del Degan

Techno Trash accepting old electronics for recycling

Photo by Celina Del Degan

Hard working family

Photo by Celina Del Degan

Bart Benoit makes burgers and hot dogs

Photo by Celina Del Degan

A Message To Crestmont Residents

Dear Crestmont Resident,

As you may be aware, Qualico is planning to submit a change to the West View Area Structure Plan which defines how future development west of the current limits of Crestmont are conducted.

As representatives of the community, the Crestmont Community Association is frequently called upon by the City of Calgary and our developer, Qualico, to provide input and feedback to the plan.

The board of directors of the Crestmont Community Association feel it is important to represent your views, along with ours, during these discussions.

If you are interested in providing us some feedback that will assist in understanding the perspectives of the community, please click visit our website crestmontcommunity.org, and click on the link for the ASP Survey.  It is a very simple 10 question survey and should not take more than a couple of minutes to complete.

You may also want to bookmark this link where we frequently post news or information relevant to the community.  You can find us on:

If you wish to participate more directly in this process, please send an email to info@crestmontcommunity.org.


Al Del Degan
President (2010/2011)
Crestmont Community Association

West View Area Structure Plan

Information Session

West View Area Structure Plan

The West View Area Structure Plan (ASP) provides a vision for the future development of 304 hectares (752 acres) of land located in the western edge of the City of Calgary; bounded by the Bow River to the north, the communities of Valley Ridge and Crestmont to the east, and Rocky View Country to the west and south.  The Trans-Canada Highway runs through the study area.  Members of the public are invited to the:

Draft West View ASP Open House

Thursday July 22, 2010 from 5:00 – 8:00 PM

Crestmont Community Hall (12400 Crestmont Blvd. SW)

A draft of the ASP will be presented to the public at an open house on Thursday July 22, 2010 in order to provide opportunities for feedback and input.  The draft ASP will also be posted online by July 22.  Members of the public will also have the opportunity to provide their feedback regarding the draft plan via e-mail, telephone of the website until Friday August 13, 2010.

For more information please visit: www.calgary.ca/westview