Category Archives: Breaking News

First Annual Crestmont Parade of Garage Sales

garage_saleJoin in the community spirit and raise your garage doors on Saturday, June 1st!

Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of the first Annual Crestmont Parade of Garage Sales, from 8:30am to 3:30pm.  We are hosting this event in conjunction with the Valley Ridge Community Association in an effort to attract a larger number of visitors to your driveway.  

Turn your cobweb covered treasures into cold hard cash!  To register your home and be on the map and create visibility for your treasures, please fill out the Application Form.  Registration is free for CCA Members, and $5 for non-members.  Maps will be located for pick up at both the Crestmont Community Hall and the Valley Ridge Smart Mart the day of the sale.  See you there!


Plans Submitted for a new Crestmont Pump Station

Your Crestmont Community Association has received a Development Permit Application Request for Comment from the City of Calgary.

Residents of Crestmont have until October 5th to provide comments to Bart Benoit: who will be compiling the responses on behalf of the Crestmont Community to provide to the City.  Any comments received after the 5th will not be included.

The application can be downloaded at the following link: Crestmont Pump Station Plan


Welcome Your New Board

Thank you to everyone that came out to the Crestmont Community Association Annual General Meeting on Sunday March 18th.  Also a very special thank you to Mira from the Servus Credit Union (Bowness Branch) who came by with coffee, tea, and cookies for everyone.  She also lent a hand as an impartial auditor of the voting ballots and generally brightened the Crestmont Hall with her amazing smile.

We had a great turn-out for the AGM and as a result we have a newly elected board of directors (note that executive positions will be defined at their first board meeting on March 26th:

President: Andrew Shorter

Secretary: Catherine Garry

Vice President: Jason Simms

Treasurer: Shahid Naqi

Director: Don Noakes

Director: Janet Shygera

Director: Bill Holland

Director: Jeannette Holland

Thank you to Catherine, one of the founders of the association, for continuing with her role as Secretary for a third term.  Your dedication and efforts are greatly appreciated.

On behalf of the 2011 board I would like to congratulate these people for offering their volunteer time to make a difference in our community and I look forward to working with them in 2012.  By the enthusiasm I have seen from this group already, I think we will all see some exciting things happening in the coming months.

Thank You,

Al Del Degan

(Past President)

Annual General Meeting

That time has come again for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Crestmont Community Association.  All the board positions are open so if you are interested in volunteering to get involved in your community, please come and check out what we have to say.

The meeting will be at the Crestmont Resident’s Hall on March 18th from 2pm – 4pm.  All Crestmont Community Association members in good standing will be able to vote in the election of the new board for 2012/2013.  Memberships ($20 / year) will be available at the meeting so please come early to sign up.

Al Del Degan

Mayor Nenshi says “Get Involved”

In the Calgary Herald,

Mayor Nenshi
Mayor Nenshi

Mayor Nenshi wrote a column on Calgary Communities and how people need to be more involved…

Nenshi is urging people to do three things to make their community better, and to mentor three others to do the same.

“They can be big things like joining a community association or small things like having a frontyard barbecue and inviting your neighbours over,” Nenshi said.

Full Story at: The Calgary Herald online

A Message To Crestmont Residents

Dear Crestmont Resident,

As you may be aware, Qualico is planning to submit a change to the West View Area Structure Plan which defines how future development west of the current limits of Crestmont are conducted.

As representatives of the community, the Crestmont Community Association is frequently called upon by the City of Calgary and our developer, Qualico, to provide input and feedback to the plan.

The board of directors of the Crestmont Community Association feel it is important to represent your views, along with ours, during these discussions.

If you are interested in providing us some feedback that will assist in understanding the perspectives of the community, please click visit our website, and click on the link for the ASP Survey.  It is a very simple 10 question survey and should not take more than a couple of minutes to complete.

You may also want to bookmark this link where we frequently post news or information relevant to the community.  You can find us on:

If you wish to participate more directly in this process, please send an email to


Al Del Degan
President (2010/2011)
Crestmont Community Association

The Federation of Calgary Communities Volunteer Awards

The Federation of Calgary CommunitiesThe Federation of Calgary Communities is celebrating 50 Years of Community Support with new awards that honour and recognize volunteers who give their time and talents to improve neighbourhood life in Calgary!

Is there someone in our community that deserves to be recognized?

  • Perhaps there is a group of volunteers that are making your community a better place through a special project, event or program.
  • Maybe there is someone that is always there to step up when your community needs them.
  • Some communities have volunteers with so much enthusiasm and passion they spark others to get involved in their community.
  • And in most communities there is that volunteer that has been a part of building up their community to what it is today from years of dedication and service!

Visit for more information on each award category and to nominate your most deserving community supporter today! Help celebrate Calgary’s 20,000 community association volunteers! The deadline for nominations is Monday, July 4th, 2011.

Successful AGM for 2011

Crestmont Community Association 2011 AGM Setup

Crestmont Community Association 2011 AGM Setup

The second annual Crestmont Community Association Annual General Meeting was successfully held on March 16th, 2011 at the Crestmont Hall.  We had quorum, signed up some new members and were able to fill all the board of directors slots.  Other than the position of president, the rest of the positions will be filled by the directors at the next board meeting on Thursday March 24rd, 7:00pm at the Crestmont Hall.

The Crestmont Community Association would like to welcome our new

President: Al Del Degan

and introduce the new board of directors for 2011:

  • Bill Gilson
  • Catherine Garry
  • Ralph Seizer
  • Imad Mahayri
  • Sunil Prahalad
  • Angela Prahalad
  • Chris Partheniou

Please support the new board, and talk to your neighbors so we can kick off this new year and do some amazing things together for our great community.

The 2010/2011 President’s Report from Bart Benoit can be found HERE.