Crestmont Community Association Report:

Crestmont Community Clean-up Volunteers - Photo by Victoria Garry
We are pleased to report the Crestmont Community Association (CCA) has successfully completed their first community event. Although the weather did not cooperate, very low temperatures along with rain mixed with snow, a good number of people turned out on Saturday May 29th for our First Annual Spring Fling and BBQ, Community Clean Up. The morning started with Henry and Maria of Foothills Landscaping talking to us about the uniqueness of our community, the importance of the pond and how fortunate we are to have such a beautiful community. They could not stress enough the importance of keeping our green spaces clean and litter free. Keeping twigs, garbage and other foreign matter out of the creek and pond. Everybody was thankful we had the use of the lower area of the Resident’s Hall to keep warm and dry during this short presentation.

Crestmont Community Clean-up Volunteer - Photo by Victoria Garry
We then broke into six teams and set out into the green spaces in the community. the City of Calgary, Park’s, through their Adopt a Park program was able to supply us with pick sticks, garbage bags and gloves. The City would normally have collected our bags of garbage, but were fortunate to have the offer of a commercial dumpster for this event from August Fine Homes. While out collecting garbage, the children were encourage to participate in a scavenger hunt.

Magician Paul Spenard Entertains Guests - photo by Victoria Garry
After several hours of garbage collection we gathered back at the hall for a BBQ and some magical entertainment by Paul Spenard, followed by an inspirational talk from resident Kyle Nissen, Olympic Aeriel Ski Jumper.
The event closed with the awarding of prizes for the scavenger hunt, won by Alex and Tony DelDegan, and door prizes being drawn for.
The Board would like to thank everybody that came out in less than ideal conditions to help with the clean up, your support of our efforts are truly appreciated.
We would also like to thank the following sponsors:
Qualico Communities
Augusta Fine Homes
Stepping Stones, Calgary Federation of Communities
Canadian Tire, Beacon Hill
Home Depot, Tuscany
The City of Calgary, Parks

Le Chef's cooking for the crowd - photo by Victoria Garry
We have received several very positive comments about this event and suggestions that we hold the event again in the fall.
Through The City of Calgary, Parks, Adopt a Park program we have an opportunity as a community to participate in their ongoing program to “Adopt” our local parks. To do this however we require the involvement of more community members. In my discussions with Park’s it was suggested that perhaps there are some home schooled children in the neighbourhood that need to do community or civic work for school credits. At this point in time we require an individual over the age of 18 to be a liaison with the city and anybody else that would like to volunteer. For further information or to volunteer please contact
The following community residents were elected to the Board, March 14, 2010 at the First Annual General Meeting:
President: Bart Benoit
Vice President: Myron Wintonyk
Secretary: Catherine Garry
Treasurer: Kitty Lee
Director: Al Del Degan
Director: Bill Gilson
Director: Chad Ravlo
Director: Ralph Seizer
Currently the Board is busy working on the infrastructure of the Community Association and are not in a position to take on any added duties at this time, such as sub-committees. If anybody in the community is interested in volunteering for a sub-committee, such as Traffic, Parks, Sports etc, please contact us.
Have a GREAT SUMMER all and we look forward to being in touch soon.
Catherine Garry
Secretary, Crestmont Community Association (CCA)