Please save April 16, 2021 in your calendars as the date of our 2021 AGM. Details and location TBA. Due to Covid19 restrictions, we are working on an online option to ensure all who want to attend have the opportunity to do so.

Please save April 16, 2021 in your calendars as the date of our 2021 AGM. Details and location TBA. Due to Covid19 restrictions, we are working on an online option to ensure all who want to attend have the opportunity to do so.
Just a reminder that tonight is the annual Crestmont Community Association Annual General Meeting. Please come and help elect our new board of directors for 2019/2020. There are positions available if you are interested in volunteering.
In addition to some snacks and refreshments, we have an evening planned full of great information for Crestmont community residents. Please join us and learn more about our organization, updates on all the development happening in and around Crestmont, and hear from one of our local kids who is attempting to put together a Crestmont Kids Council.
Parents of children 10 – 16, please invite your children along to the AGM and encourage them to join the Crestmont Kids’ Council.
Yes, it is that time of year when your Crestmont Community Association (CCA) has our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Area Development Update (ADU).
Last year was a record turn-out and we are hoping this year will be similar. Not only are we going to have drinks and snacks generously donated by Servus Credit Union in Bowness, but we are also going to have lots of information and updates on all the developments that are going on in and around Crestmont.
Please join us on Friday March 16th at 7:00pm at the Crestmont Hall. Also a great time to renew your CCA membership so you are ready for another year of fun CCA events like the Neighbour Day Block Party, Crestmont Clean-up, Crestmont Kids Day and the Kids Halloween Party.
Our website will always have the most up-to-date information so please bookmark:
Thank you to all those who joined us at our AGM this year. Below is a link to the slide deck for those who have been asking…
CCA 2018 AGM Slide Presentation
Please join us on Friday March 24th at 7:30pm for our Annual General Meeting. This past year was the most active and eventful in the history of the Crestmont Community Association. We held or participated in a record number of events (eight):
In addition there was a significant amount of work accomplished on your behalf by the development committee.
Please consider throwing your hat in and volunteering for us this coming year. All board positions are always open at every year’s AGM. This year we are looking for a Secretary and a brand new position to be filled that we are calling “Event Coordinator”.
If you have ever wanted to give back and add some valuable board experience to your resume, please consider joining us on March 24th. For more information on being a board member, or just volunteering in general, please contact us. We look forward to another wonderful year and you are all a major part of our success.
At this year’s AGM you won’t want to miss the development committee‘s update. Did you know that there are several major development projects going on around Crestmont that directly impact you as a homeowner? We have updates and information on all of them.
We will also have snacks and plenty of information to share so please join us! Check back here as we get closer to the end of march for any updates.
We invite Crestmont kids ages 13 – 17 to join the first ever Crestmont Kids Council (CKC). This is a great opportunity to learn new skills, get some great experience for your resume, and give back to your community while providing a voice for the youth in the community. Come to the AGM and throw your name it for the CKC.
Thank you,
Al Del Degan, CCA President
On Friday April 8th, the Crestmont Community Association had our Annual General Meeting at the Crestmont Hall. Attendance was excellent and we graciously thank everyone for taking the time out of their day to come down and support us.
Also in attendance was a representative from MLA Deborah Drever’s office and Councillor Ward Sutherland. We thank them both for their continued support.
This year the AGM was packed with information and updates on area developments and planned community events for this year.
For the first time, all but one of the existing board members threw their hats back in to continue for the next term. The new board for 2016/2017 is:
Al Del Degan, who will remain in the President role, and the following directors who will likely resume in their current roles (to be officially determined at the next board meeting on April 21st at the hall).
Chris Wolfe, Vice President
Paul Christensen, Treasurer
Stacy Cousins, Secretary
Crystal McGrath, Director at Large
There are still 5 director positions open on the CCA board so if you want to gain some rewarding volunteer experience and give back to your community, please attend any of our future board meetings and you can find out what is involved and how you can best help out. We meet on the third Thursday of every month at 8:10pm at the hall.
There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer even if you do not want a board of directors position. We have a huge list of ideas for events in our community and we will only be able to pull them all off with some help from you.
Please enter your email address to sign up for our newsletter to keep informed of the upcoming events as well as volunteer opportunities.
We look forward to serving the Crestmont community.
Al Del Degan
Just a reminder that tomorrow (April 8th) at 7:00pm at the Crestmont Hall is the Annual General Meeting for your Crestmont Community Association and we need your support.
There are a number of important items to discuss including changes to our bylaws, area development updates and news regarding the Crestmont community and events that we are planning for 2016.
We will also have coffee and snacks to keep your tummy happy.
Please come out and show your support. Membership sales can be processed at the hall if you don’t already have yours or need to renew.
Grab your neighbours and come on down.
Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Crestmont Community Association.
All of the board positions are open (as they are 1 year term positions). Your community needs your support and just a few volunteer hours a month will make all the difference. If you are interested in volunteering to get involved in your community, please let us know.
The AGM Will be held at the Crestmont Resident’s Hall on Sunday April 13th from 2pm – 4:30pm. All Crestmont Community Association members in good standing will be able to vote in the election of the new board for 2014/2015. Memberships are $25 per year.
It is important that we have as many valid members as possible as we need to vote on a few updates to the association’s bylaws. Please make an effort to attend.
Jason Simms,
CCA President
Here we grow again! The time has come again for the Annual General Meeting(AGM
Mark your calendar for the meeting at the Crestmont Resident’s Hall on Sunday April 13th from 2pm – 4:30pm. All Crestmont Community Association members in good standing will be able to vote in the election of the new board for 2014/2015. Memberships (25$ per year) Please register at http://crestmontcommunity.
We will review Board Accomplishments/Goals, Development Updates, Vote on a few changes to the CCA Bylaws. Please note those interested in running for board positions are to have a membership for 30 days. All positions are a one year term.
Jason Simms
CCA President
On behalf of the CCA board I would like to invite you to attend the AGM on Sunday, March 17 from 2pm at the Crestmont Hall.
(representitives from Qualico will be joining us prior to the AGM for an informal Q and A session until 2.30 before the AGM commences)
We are seeking enthusiastic prospective board members and volunteers for a range of different tasks/activities and invite you to register your interest and step up to help out in your community.
As a young community there are many goals we would like to achieve to further enhance our unique neighborhood.
Some of the areas you may be concerned with are as follows:
– Surrounding development activity
– Events
– Membership
– Grants/funding opportunities
– Proposed community gardens
– Beautification program
Have a voice and be heard! We value your opinion and contribution. The future and success of our community depends on the involvement of its residents and members.
Please tell a friend and we hope to see you at the AGM on Sunday, March 17!
Andrew Shorter President, CCA
Jason Simms VP, CCA
That time has come again for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Crestmont Community Association. All the board positions are open so if you are interested in volunteering to get involved in your community, please come and check out what we have to say.
The meeting will be at the Crestmont Resident’s Hall on March 18th from 2pm – 4pm. All Crestmont Community Association members in good standing will be able to vote in the election of the new board for 2012/2013. Memberships ($20 / year) will be available at the meeting so please come early to sign up.
Al Del Degan