The Crestmont Homeowner’s Association is having a Movie in the Park event. Here is their poster. Note the change of location to the Crestmont West park…

The Crestmont Homeowner’s Association is having a Movie in the Park event. Here is their poster. Note the change of location to the Crestmont West park…
NOON to 3pm TODAY (September 8th) at the Crestmont Hall (Around Back in the field)
Never mind the moisture in the sky, don’t let that dampen your spirits for the AMAZING and FABULOUS Crestmont Kids Day 2019! Come on down, we have lots of food and snacks and things to do for everyone.
Due to the rain, we can’t have the bouncy castles this year, but we have filled the afternoon with lots to see and do so please come on down. The event is FREE for Crestmont Community Association members and $10 / family for non-members. You can buy your membership online before coming down if you like.
Don’t miss Crestmont Neighbor Day – 2018!!
Join us on June 16th, 1pm – 3pm Rain or Shine to celebrate with your neighbors.
The location is the west end of the stormwater pond by the emergency access road at the bottom of the 500 block of Cresthaven Place.
Fun for the whole family:
You may wish to bring a lawn chair or a blanket to sit on.
For more photos from last year’s event, please see our Facebook page
Coming up on Sunday October 30th from noon to 4pm at the Crestmont Hall is the annual Crestmont Kids Halloween Party.
There will be snacks, games, activities, crafts, prizes and, of course, the costume contest.
We need volunteers so if you are able to help out with some of the events and activities, please email to let us know. The more help we have, the better this event will be so please join us.
It is that time of year again on June 26th, 2016 (9am – 1:30pm) when all of Crestmont gets out to clean up their yards, garages, and basements and gathers up the debris and garbage to bring down to the Crestmont Hall where the City of Calgary has packer trucks waiting. GEEP will also have bins for electronics and the Crestmont Community Association will have food, coffee and snacks.
Make it a fun day for your family! We will have pick-up sticks, vests, gloves and garbage bags at the hall so you can take your family out into the neighbourhood green spaces to pick up garbage and debris that blow in from the wind.
This is a FREE event for everyone, although we encourage you to get or renew your Crestmont Community Association Membership if you have not already done so.
Items accepted include:
Items NOT accepted:
We will also set up a free table for items that are still in good condition that you no longer wish to keep. Someone else in the community may be able to use it. It’s all about recycling items in a safe manner.
This is a family friendly event and a good way to teach our children the value of keeping all our spaces clean and to feel like they can contribute in a positive way by giving back to their community.
Please check back here for any updates / changes prior to June 26th.
Well okay, that might be a bit of a stretch, but today something very cool happened on the Internet. The domain registrars have released a new top level domain called .family.
For those of you who are not that tech savy I will give you a very brief background…
Since the internet was born every computer that could be contacted had to have an IP address which consisted of four sets of numbers between 0 and 255. Various numbers actually mean something, for example is an “internal” address that always identifies your own computer FROM your own computer. I won’t get into it here, but eventually the internet ran out of IP addresses and it is slowly converting over to a new numbering system.
Regardless, human beings are not good at remembering strings of numbers so a domain registration system was born where you could register a unique domain name and when someone used the domain name the registry would translate it for your computer so it would know what IP address to go to.
In the beginning the “top level” domains were .com, .org, .net and some others. Fairly recently the domain registries have expanded to allow for some new and more meaningful ones like .photography, .contractors, .guru or one of the more recent .sucks! Now if you want to put up a website or secure an email address you have plenty of options.
The purpose of this post is to enlighten people about having a personal domain for their family. Right now you probably have an email address like,, or Or perhaps something even more obscure. Well now today you can register your own family name as a domain. For example, if your last name is Smith you can register and have and Think about it, you can create an email address for everyone in your entire family tree and because you own the domain it will never ever change for the rest of time (well, as long as we have the Internet and need email anyways). You can point your new domain to any email provider you want. I use GMail under their Google Apps program, because their mail interface is slick and easy to use and manage. However, you can use any email provider that allows you to point your domain at them. Depending on where you register your domain, you can usually add email as an option when you register. I use as my domain service provider and I have been quite happy with them. Regardless who you use for your email, if you ever need to you can change it by pointing your domain to the new provider. Your email address will always stay the same.
Good luck, I am sure a lot of common last names are going to disappear fast!!! Registering your own domain costs anywhere from $10 / year to $30 / year unless you get one that is in very high demand in which case they can charge a lot more.
It’s that time of year again where the leaves are falling and so is the temperature… but not the children’s spirit! Why? Because there is tons and tons of CANDY all for FREE HA HA HA!!!
It is time for the Fourth Annual Kids Halloween Party.
Dress up your little ghouls and goblins (I wonder why no one ever dresses like a goblin?) and come on down to the Crestmont Hall
Sunday, October 20th from 1pm – 5pm
There will be food, drinks, games, prizes, activities, crafts, music, fun and CANDY!!!
Entrance to this exciting event is FREE for Crestmont Community Association MEMBERS and $5 for everyone else.
(There will be a small fee of $2 cash only for a hot dog, drink, and chips)
*** WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to help monitor each of the events/stations as well as setup & take down ***
Here is a link to Facebook for the images taken by Zed Davey (
Thanks to everyone involved for making this such a successful event!