Holiday Decorating Contest 2021 – Sponsored by the CHOA & Qualico Communities

The Crestmont Homeowner’s Association is having a Movie in the Park event. Here is their poster. Note the change of location to the Crestmont West park…
Hey Everyone, it is that time of year again where we all get together and clean up our communities. This is a great opportunity for all of us to clean up our garages and yards and also help out by cleaning up the green spaces around our communities. We will have garbage bags, gloves and pick-up sticks available for everyone to use. Please grab your family and come down to help out. We live in beautiful communities and it is up to us all to keep them clean and tidy.
Just a few important details…
What we can take:
What we CANNOT take:
If you have any paint or chemicals you can take them to participating fire stations or landfill sites.
For household items and furniture, hang on to them and email us at info@crestmontcommunity.org as we are arranging for a collection for those in need.
Please join us at the Crestmont Hall and please be careful and respectful to everyone!!!
NOON to 3pm TODAY (September 8th) at the Crestmont Hall (Around Back in the field)
Never mind the moisture in the sky, don’t let that dampen your spirits for the AMAZING and FABULOUS Crestmont Kids Day 2019! Come on down, we have lots of food and snacks and things to do for everyone.
Due to the rain, we can’t have the bouncy castles this year, but we have filled the afternoon with lots to see and do so please come on down. The event is FREE for Crestmont Community Association members and $10 / family for non-members. You can buy your membership online before coming down if you like.
Thank you to those who took the time to come out to the Crestmont Community Association Annual General Meeting last night. It was a good crowd and there was lots of great discussion. Here is a link to the slide deck in case you missed the meeting or wanted to get a better look at all the small maps and drawings discussed in the development presentation.
Director / President: Al Del Degan
Director / Vice President: Chris Wolfe
Director / Treasurer: Paul Christensen
Director / Secretary: Megan Brayshaw
Director / HOA Liason: Paul Godard
Director: Scott Brayshaw
Director: Trevor Mahon
Director: Myron Wintonyk
Thank you also to all the dedicated board members that have made the Crestmont Community Association so great! I look forward to another year working with this group, and now with Myron on board it will be even better.
Al Del Degan
Just a reminder that tonight is the annual Crestmont Community Association Annual General Meeting. Please come and help elect our new board of directors for 2019/2020. There are positions available if you are interested in volunteering.
In addition to some snacks and refreshments, we have an evening planned full of great information for Crestmont community residents. Please join us and learn more about our organization, updates on all the development happening in and around Crestmont, and hear from one of our local kids who is attempting to put together a Crestmont Kids Council.
Parents of children 10 – 16, please invite your children along to the AGM and encourage them to join the Crestmont Kids’ Council.
Hey Crestmont & Valley Ridge, it is that time of year again where we all get together and clean up our communities. This year, the Valley Ridge Community Association will be helping us put on the event so we welcome all the Valley Ridge residents as well.
This is a great opportunity for all of us to clean up our garages and yards and also help out by cleaning up the green spaces around our communities. We will have garbage bags, gloves and pick-up sticks available for everyone to use. Please grab your family and come down to help out. We live in beautiful communities and it is up to us all to keep them clean and tidy. For volunteers that help out we have lots of food, snacks and drinks to keep you fueled up, and for the families we have a scavenger hunt with prizes!!!
Just a few important details…
What we can take:
What we CANNOT take:
If you have any paint or chemicals you can take them to participating fire stations or landfill sites.
The Women In Need organization will be there to take items that are not ready for the garbage as well.
Please join us at the Crestmont Hall and please be careful and respectful to everyone!!!
Coming up on May 27th is the annual VRCA & CCA Multi-Community Garage Sale. Please fill out the registration form to have your home added to the list.
-=( Registration Form )=-
The homes that have registered and will be part of this event include:
Address | Details on what you have for sale (optional) |
104 Crestmont Drive SW | -children’s toys, clothes, kitchen items, home decor |
11 Crestridge Hts SW | Home décor; household items |
12418 Crestmont Blvd | Treadmill, playpens, kids high chairs, religious pictures framed, toys, house hold, miscellaneous |
12418 Crestmont Blvd | |
12423 Crestmont Blvd. SW | GUC single mattress and box spring; patio table and chairs |
139 Crestmont Drive SW | household items, power tools, hand tools, air compressors, propane heaters, ladders, clothing, outdoor furniture, office furniture, dvds, electronics, small appliances, etc. |
146 Crestridge Way SW | sporting goods, household items, furniture |
15 Crestridge Way SW | Children’s toys, household items |
157 Crestridge way | Furniture, decorations, electronics |
23 Crestridge Way SW | Household items, children’s toys, furniture, clothing, décor for children’s rooms, bikes |
26 Cresthaven View SW | woodworking tools, Collectibles including Plastic Models and sports cards, Misc. |
311 Cresthaven Place SW | Bike, tools, lamp, toys |
34 Cresthaven View SW | TV’s, garage items, tools, household items, furniture and yard tools. |
37 Cresthaven Way Sw | |
4 Crestridge Way S.W. | Household items |
418 Cresthaven Place SW | home décor, antique furniture, hardwood dining room table, hardwood Chinese motif dining chairs, other |
49 Cresthaven Rise S.W. | Snowboards, inline skates, sports cards, household goods, vases, shoes, décor, holiday, miscellaneous |
50 Cresthaven Way SW | Furniture & appliances, home decor, childrens toys and games, collectibles, clothing, tools, etc…Little bit of everything… |
62 Cresthaven Way SW | Household items, games, craft supplies, furniture, toys and craft supplies (rainbow loom, beading etc), Tween/xs clothing, children’s/adult books, dresser, bookshelf, kitchen items, house decorative items, electronics |
64 Cresthaven Way SW | kitchen items, toys and games, children’s clothing, home décor, light fixtures, etc. |
84 Crestmont Way SW | Golf & sports equipment & accessories, Wall Hangings, Pictures, Mirrors, Decorative Home Items, garden tools, electric snowblower, sports memorabilia (pictures), small furniture (Stools, lamps), automotive supplies / cleaning supplies |
90 Crestbrook Hill SW | Large dog kennel, student desk with drawers, love seat, household items, books and more! |
93 Cresthaven Way SW | Guitar amp, child’s bike, toys, books, etc. |