The following message is from Childsplace at the Crestmont Community Association…

We are licensed by Calgary Rocky View Child and Family Services. To maintain this license, Child Care Services Licensing Officers, Calgary Regional Health Authority, Public Health Inspectors, and the Calgary Fire Department inspect us regularly. We are required by Licensing to hold valid First Aid Certificates, conduct Calgary Police Service security checks on all staff, meet teacher – child ratios, and provide quality age-appropriate programming for the children enrolled in our school. This is a smoke free environment and at no time any person or staff members will smoke where child care is provided.
The philosophy at Childsplace Learning Centre Crestmont Ltd. is “Children Learn by Doing”. A child’s play becomes his work, and should be taken just as seriously as an adult’s. By providing a safe environment and a rich variety of activities, we can create a rewarding and valuable learning experience for young children that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Through Childsplace, we hope to enhance the learning opportunities of children and parents alike.
Programs we offer are:
Preschool 1 & 2 Programs 2 days/week $160.00 per month
Tues and Thurs
Junior Kindergarten Programs
3 days/week $200.00 per month
4 days/week $240.00 per month
5 days/week $280.00 per month
Benzy David
Childsplace learning Centres