Rise Up | Pop-up Performance Aug 28 4-7pm West Park

The Crestmont Homeowner’s Association is having a Movie in the Park event. Here is their poster. Note the change of location to the Crestmont West park…
NOON to 3pm TODAY (September 8th) at the Crestmont Hall (Around Back in the field)
Never mind the moisture in the sky, don’t let that dampen your spirits for the AMAZING and FABULOUS Crestmont Kids Day 2019! Come on down, we have lots of food and snacks and things to do for everyone.
Due to the rain, we can’t have the bouncy castles this year, but we have filled the afternoon with lots to see and do so please come on down. The event is FREE for Crestmont Community Association members and $10 / family for non-members. You can buy your membership online before coming down if you like.
Don’t miss Crestmont Neighbor Day – 2018!!
Join us on June 16th, 1pm – 3pm Rain or Shine to celebrate with your neighbors.
The location is the west end of the stormwater pond by the emergency access road at the bottom of the 500 block of Cresthaven Place.
Fun for the whole family:
You may wish to bring a lawn chair or a blanket to sit on.
For more photos from last year’s event, please see our Facebook page
Get excited kids of Crestmont, our annual Crestmont Kid’s Day event is coming up on September 10th from NOON to 3:00pm. The weather is going to be amazing so we are going to be back outside in the field behind the Crestmont Hall. This is definitely going to be the best Kid’s day event EVER!!!
There will be plenty of food, drinks, fun and games. We will have bouncy houses, mini-golf, music, balloon twisters, sno cones, treats and lots of games and activities.
Simon the safety bear and the Calgary Police will be there and we are also expecting a visit from the Calgary fire department with one of their fire trucks (if available of course).
There may even be some other special guests, we are just waiting for confirmation
Please check back here for the most up-to-date information
A special warm thank you to our sponsors:
We could not have done it without your generosity!
We have just added a Board History page on our website to acknowledge all the volunteer directors and officers that have kept the association operational since 2009. If you were on the board as a director but do not see your name, please let us know.
As you may have heard, the entire Crestmont community has been invited to attend the Hitmen game on March 13th at 4:00pm. The Crestmont Homeowner’s Association will be providing transportation to and from the game and will be having a pre-game party at the Crestmont Hall. For more information check out the Crestmont Hall website
Are you excited? Sunday September 7th from 11am – 3pm is the Crestmont Community Association’s 2nd Annual Kids Day!
Last year’s event was a great success and this year is going to be even better!!! Mark your calendar now and get your youngsters prepared for a day of fun and games and fantastic treats!
If you are able to volunteer please contact us as your help is appreciated.
Watch this website for updates.
Visit the photo album on our Facebook Page for photos of this year’s event.
It’s that time of year again where the leaves are falling and so is the temperature… but not the children’s spirit! Why? Because there is tons and tons of CANDY all for FREE HA HA HA!!!
It is time for the Fourth Annual Kids Halloween Party.
Dress up your little ghouls and goblins (I wonder why no one ever dresses like a goblin?) and come on down to the Crestmont Hall
Sunday, October 20th from 1pm – 5pm
There will be food, drinks, games, prizes, activities, crafts, music, fun and CANDY!!!
Entrance to this exciting event is FREE for Crestmont Community Association MEMBERS and $5 for everyone else.
(There will be a small fee of $2 cash only for a hot dog, drink, and chips)
*** WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to help monitor each of the events/stations as well as setup & take down ***
Here is a link to Facebook for the images taken by Zed Davey (zestphotography.org)
Thanks to everyone involved for making this such a successful event!
The Crestmont Community Association (that’s us) is having our first ever Halloween Party at the Crestmont Hall on October 29th (Saturday) from 3:00pm – 7:00pm.
Buy a Hot Dog, a Bag of Chips, and a Bottle of Water for only $2.00.
We will have Crafts, Games and also Prizes including best costume, so be sure to dress up!
Kids can listen to a spooky story in the Story Time Corner and there will be a haunted maze.
Don’t miss this fun family event, please help spread the word and tell your neigbours!
Watch the Crestmont Community Association website for up-to-date details and contact us if you have any questions or you would like to lend a hand.