Tag Archives: contests

Crestmont Kid’s Day

KidsDay2014-BouncyHousesThe Annual Crestmont Kid’s Day is on Sunday September 11th from 11:00am – 3:00pm at the Crestmont Hall.

Mother Nature has sent us INSIDE the hall but that wont stop our fun.

This is the Crestmont Community Association’s biggest event and has been a HUGE success every year.  This year we hope to make it the biggest and best ever!

There will be bouncy houses, games, food, clowns, contests, prizes and much more.

The Shriner’s will be there, Simon the Safety Bear will be there too.

If you would like to help out on event day, please email events_committee@crestmontcommunity.org

The Crestmont Community Association website is always the most up-to-date and contains the most accurate information so please have a look: http://www.CrestmontCommunity.org

NOTE: This event will be free for CCA members and $10 / family for non-members.

You can purchase a membership online
pay your $10 online.

A membership will also get you in free to the Crestmont Kids Halloween Party on October 30th.

We look forward to seeing you!

Here is a link to some photos from a previous Crestmont Kids Day