Tag Archives: compost

Compost Your Real Christmas Tree

Christmas Table & Decorations from Picjumbo

Cut your tree into smaller pieces to put into your green cart. Make sure the lid can close.

If your green cart is full, tie extra branches (no more than four feet long) together with a natural fibre string or place them in paper yard waste bags. Set tied branches or yard waste bags at least one foot from the side of your green cart.

You can also bring your Christmas tree to a tree drop-off from December 26 to January 31.


7937 43 Ave N.W. (next to community recycling depot)

How to prepare your tree

• Remove all lights, ornaments, tinsel, string and tree stands.

• Do not wrap or bag your tree.

For landfill hours and program information, please visit calgary.ca/christmastree.

Spring Yard Waste Drop-off At City Landfills

yardwasteBetween April 19th and June 2nd, residents can take yard waste like leaves, branches or plants to any City of Calgary landfill for composting free of charge.

The yard waste should be loose or in paper yard waste bags.  If your load contains items other than yard waste, you may be charged a fee.  Consider holding non-yard waste for the Annual Spring Clean-up that is currently in the planning stages with your Crestmont Community Association.  Watch here for more details and if you are interested in volunteering, please let us know.

For more information and landfill locations and hours visit www.calgary.ca/waste or call 3-1-1.