Our 2022 AGM will be held virtually on April 7th at 7:00pm. A meeting link will be emailed to all members in good standing on April 1st. If you need to purchase a membership, please do so by clicking ‘become a member’ above. We will be seeking new directors for the board during the AGM, and encourage anyone interested in bettering the community to send an email with a quick bio and reasons for wanting to join to info@crestmontcommunity.org. Full board training, as well as support, and a friendly group dynamic welcome all who jump on board!
Book Club Coming January 2022

Holiday Decorating Contest 2021 – Sponsored by the CHOA & Qualico Communities

Cressy, Crestmont’s Elf on the Shelf!

If you would like Cressy to visit your home, please email nderry@crestmontcommunity.org.
Keep track of where you see Cressy, even take a photo with her if you’re lucky enough to see her! Once you have filled in your ballot, please email it to nderry@crestmontcommunity.org to enter the draw. Please submit all entries before 11:59pm on December 20, 2021. Draw will be made and winners notified on December 21, 2021. Good luck!!
If you’d like your photo with Cressy to be published on social media, our website, and our newsletter, please send it to meganb@crestmontcommunity.org.
Our New Logo
What do you think of our new logo?

Rise Up | Pop-up Performance Aug 28 4-7pm West Park

Movie in the Park
The Crestmont Homeowner’s Association is having a Movie in the Park event. Here is their poster. Note the change of location to the Crestmont West park…

Food Trucks July 21st from 4-8pm

Please take our 2021 Survey
In order to fully serve our community, we need your feedback! Please take a few moments to share your opinions and comments through our 2021 Survey.