Category Archives: Breaking News

CCA AGM – Your Vote Is Important!

VoteHey everyone, the Crestmont Community Association is holding our 2nd ever Annual General Meeting. Please make sure you come out to sign up for, or renew your membership as well as consider volunteering for this great organization. We have worked very hard over this last year to put the building blocks in place for us to go forward and make a significant difference in our amazing community.

We can’t do it alone though, we need your help. Please attend the AGM at the Crestmont Hall on March 16th beginning at 7:00pm. All the board positions are open so we are very interested in your participation and getting some fresh ideas to help us make 2011 another great year for our community. Grab your neighbors and head on down, we can’t wait to see you.


Alana DeLong, M.L.A.

Alana DeLong, M.L.A.

We received a visit from Alana DeLong at our last Crestmont Community Association board meeting (The third Wednesday of every month at the Crestmont Hall starting at 7pm) and she had a lot of great information to share with some good advice and answers to our questions.  We want to pass along a link to the Legislature Report we received from her in case you have not yet seen it.  As a Crestmont or Valley Ridge resident, you may find some of it interesting.

Legislature Report

Letter Regarding West Area Structure Plan

Your Crestmont Community Association has compiled the feedback from the Crestmont residents and CCA board members, and prepared the following letter to submit to the City.

Please make sure that you also submit your own feedback to ensure that our voice is heard and expansion west of our community does not have a negative impact on the great place we live.

All submissions must be in by November 1st as stated in previous posts.

CCA Submission

Crestmont Community Association Compiled Feedback

ASP MapYour Crestmont Community Association has solicited feedback from our community residents with the intent to put together a response back to the City of Calgary regarding their recently released “Draft West View Area Structure Plan (ASP)“.  The draft ASP is the City of Calgary’s vision for the future development of the land located to the immediate west of Crestmont and Valley Ridge.

The link below is a draft PDF version of the feedback that we intend to formally submit on behalf of the Crestmont Community residents.  Please take a moment to review our compiled information and if you have not already, read the Draft West View Area Structure Plan from the City and put together your own response.  The more feedback that the City receives, the more likely our voices will be heard.

You will have to hurry as you only have until November 1st to submit your feedback.

-=( Compiled response from Crestmont Community home owner’s feedback )=-

If you have any questions regarding our compiled feedback, email:

West View Area Structure Plan (ASP) Feedback Requested

Dear Crestmont Community Association Members;

The draft West View Area Structure Plan (ASP) is the City of Calgary’s vision for the future development of the land located to the immediate west of Crestmont and Valley Ridge.  The ASP was made public on Thursday, September 16 and the public has until Friday, November 1st (*Date Extended*) to review and comment on the document.

The document can be downloaded from the City of Calgary website at: If you have difficulties obtaining a copy, please contact the CCA and we will help you out.

Although this is a very short time to review such a lengthy document, the Crestmont Community Association (CCA) urges you to review the document and make your opinions known.  Your primary input should be directed to David Couroux, who is the Project Manager.  His contact details are on the website above.  If you have difficulties obtaining a copy of the ASP, please contact the CCA and we will help you out.

The CCA would also appreciate being copied on your correspondence so that we are aware of the communities concerns and positive feedback as well.  It is not mandatory that you copy the CCA, but if we are aware of your view points, we will be able to bring them forward in our future dealings with the city.  This will allow us to better represent the view points of our members and neighbors’. Please also encourage your neighbors and friends in Crestmont who are not yet CCA members to also review this critical to our future document and provide their view points as well.

Best Regards,

WR Myron Wintonyk
Vice President, Crestmont Community Association.

West View Area Structure Plan

Information Session

West View Area Structure Plan

The West View Area Structure Plan (ASP) provides a vision for the future development of 304 hectares (752 acres) of land located in the western edge of the City of Calgary; bounded by the Bow River to the north, the communities of Valley Ridge and Crestmont to the east, and Rocky View Country to the west and south.  The Trans-Canada Highway runs through the study area.  Members of the public are invited to the:

Draft West View ASP Open House

Thursday July 22, 2010 from 5:00 – 8:00 PM

Crestmont Community Hall (12400 Crestmont Blvd. SW)

A draft of the ASP will be presented to the public at an open house on Thursday July 22, 2010 in order to provide opportunities for feedback and input.  The draft ASP will also be posted online by July 22.  Members of the public will also have the opportunity to provide their feedback regarding the draft plan via e-mail, telephone of the website until Friday August 13, 2010.

For more information please visit: