Tag Archives: Share

New Discussion Forums

discussionsWhat’s that over on the right?  It’s a link to our new Discussion Forums.  Please sign up and join for free!  The forums are moderated and accounts must be authorized.  Our goal is to provide a community forum so that we can all share our thoughts, comments & concerns for our amazing community.  The forums help to facilitate communication with your Crestmont friends and neighbors and the Crestmont Community Association board of directors.

Right now we are looking for your input on a few things… should the entire forum system be restricted to ONLY Crestmont homeowners?…  or perhaps we just make one or more of the forums in the system accessible to homeowners only?  We have set up a few initial forums for you to use but we are happy to add more if there is enough interest.  Looking for your feedback so please join in on the conversation.  The more of Crestmont that gets on the forums, the more valuable they will be.